Missionary Focus

Missionary Focus is held at 18:30 on the 1st Sunday of the month during Term Time.

We invite workers involved in the Lord’s work throughout the world to come along and give us updates on their sphere of service with a view to encouraging them and to help us pray more intelligently for God’s work abroad and at home.

The evening finishes usually with a time of prayer followed by refreshments.

The Women’s Missionary Group

The Women’s Missionary Group meets usually every 2nd Wednesday of the month at 8.00pm.  These meetings include prayer for specific areas of the world or for the Lord’s workers at home and abroad.  Sometimes a guest missionary is invited along and at other times the ladies make up parcels containing toiletries, layettes and other items which may be difficult to purchase or unobtainable abroad which are then shipped to missionaries overseas.

The evening always finishes with a time of prayer and refreshments.